O God, thank you for the many blessings of my life.  thank you for the opportunity at the Academy to develop my gifts further, to expand my knowledge, to mature in my beliefs and values, and to become more sensitive to your presence.  During my years on campus, may I know the joys of friendship as well as have the courage at times to stand-alone.  May I respect and respond to the needs of those around me.  May I approach my studies with intensity but keep my perspective and sense of humor.  May the Academy of Our Lady be a better place because I am here. Amen.


ACADEMY, Beloved, shine of Our Lady Dear, Behold! We gather’ round thee, we’ve come from far and near To learn from thee those Truths divine, That on us they may ever shine, Our Lady, sweetest Mother, Watch o’er there children thine.

Academy, Beloved, e’er faithful we will be, Although the years before us may find us far from thee.  Far from thy halls and friends so dear, O Mother! Be thou ever near! Academy, Beloved, our love we pledge thee here.

Academy, Beloved, the parting hour is near, Thy blessing show’r upon us and banish doubt and fear.  Our Lady dear, may thou e’er be with us through life’s tempestous sea.



O God, thank you for the many blessings of my life.  thank you for the opportunity at the Academy to develop my gifts further, to expand my knowledge, to mature in my beliefs and values, and to become more sensitive to your presence.  During my years on campus, may I know the joys of friendship as well as have the courage at times to stand-alone.  May I respect and respond to the needs of those around me.  May I approach my studies with intensity but keep my perspective and sense of humor.  May the Academy of Our Lady be a better place because I am here. Amen.


ACADEMY, Beloved, shine of Our Lady Dear, Behold! We gather’ round thee, we’ve come from far and near To learn from thee those Truths divine, That on us they may ever shine, Our Lady, sweetest Mother, Watch o’er there children thine.

Academy, Beloved, e’er faithful we will be, Although the years before us may find us far from thee.  Far from thy halls and friends so dear, O Mother! Be thou ever near! Academy, Beloved, our love we pledge thee here.

Academy, Beloved, the parting hour is near, Thy blessing show’r upon sand banish doubt and fear.  Our Lady dear, may thou e’er be with us through life’s tempts sea.