Dear Alumna,

The Academy of Our Lady of Guam is preparing for its renewal of accreditation in 2020.  We kindly ask for your assistance with compiling data for the accreditation report by completing the following survey.  The twenty-five questions will take about 12 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept strictly anonymous. Thank you for your time and support.

Sr. Mary Angela Perez, RSM

Dear Alumna,

The Academy of Our Lady of Guam is preparing for its renewal of accreditation in 2020.  We kindly ask for your assistance with compiling data for the accreditation report by completing the following survey.  The twenty-five questions will take about 12 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept strictly anonymous. Thank you for your time and support.

Sr. Mary Angela Perez, RSM

Dear Alumna,

The Academy of Our Lady of Guam is preparing for its renewal of accreditation in 2020.  We kindly ask for your assistance with compiling data for the accreditation report by completing the following survey.  The twenty-five questions will take about 12 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept strictly anonymous. Thank you for your time and support.

Sr. Mary Angela Perez, RSM